Family Stays Dataset
Data Wrangling Project
The view combines data from the Admissions module and also the Families module. The following logic is used: when the client booked in, were they in a family? And if so, did any other members of the same family book in at the same shelter at the same time? If the answer to both of these questions is a yes, then the stay is interpreted as a family stay. Household size and number of dependents are calculated based on this logic.
The dataset also includes foreign keys that can easily be linked with other client and service data.
As a bonus, we're throwing in a free sample report that'll work with this dataset. It's designed for you to play with and make your own, so it's not terribly fancy. Make something beautiful with it!
The view contains the following columns, pulling data from all services that have a Program recorded:
- StayID
- ServiceID
- FamilyStayID
- DateStart
- DateEnd
- OrganizationID
- OrganizationName
- ClientID
- ClientFullName
- Gender
- AgeAtBookIn
- FamilyStayType
- SingleID
- FamilyID
- HouseholdID
- FamilySize
- NonDependents
- Dependents
- FamilyRole
- FamilyHeadClientID
- FamilyHeadName