Reviewing Services
HIFIS is like a garden. It needs to be tended to, watered, and pruned.
Sometimes, when your garden is a mess, it helps to take stock.
At ACRE Consulting, we can help you review your data and identify areas that need your attention.
Client Data Review
- What client information are you collecting?
- Are you collecting it well?
- Is it the data you should be collecting?
Hire ACRE Consulting to conduct a Client Data Review to answer these questions and more!
Service Module Review
- How should we be using HIFIS?
- Where are staff recording the assistance they're providing to clients?
- Are those the right places?
Hire ACRE Consulting to conduct a Service Module Review to answer these questions and more!
Rights Templates Review
Are staff granted rights that support optimal use of HIFIS?
Do staff have too many rights they don’t use?
Should staff be granted additional rights to support their work?
Hire ACRE Consulting to conduct a Rights Templates Review to answer these questions and more! This service also includes the Client Data Review and the Service Module Review services.
Custom Tables Review
- What Custom Tables do you have set up?
- Are your staff actually using them?
- Are your Custom Tables working for you or against you?
Hire ACRE Consulting to conduct a Custom Tables Review to answer these questions and more!