Outreach ICM Training

Registering for yourself?

Fill in your contact + billing information, and enter your payment information if required.

Have a coupon code?

Follow the instructions above, and enter your coupon code where it says "Add promotion code" (usually on the right), then click "Apply" and the price should recalculate.

Registering for someone else?

Enter your contact + billing information, then under the billing section, click on "Purchasing for someone else?" Then, enter the student's name and email address under "Students". Note that you are automatically assumed to be a student; you will need to delete your own name and email address from this part of the form. The person listed in the Students section will gain access to the training. Then enter your payment information to complete the purchase.

Registering for your whole team?

Follow the instructions above. Use the drop-down menu next to the heading "Students" to select the number of people who you want to register, or click on "Add Student" to add them one at a time. Bulk training discounts may be available.

Contact information

We'll send your receipt and other important info to this email.

Billing address


Order summary


Outreach ICM Training

Outreach intensive case manager (ICM)? Get HIFIS training! This training covers: logging in and accessing HIFIS; adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; case management; providing goods and services; outreach mapping; the VI-SPDAT, SPDAT, and VAT; and running reports.

Total learning time is about 3.5 hours.

Note that this is generic training for a typical outreach ICM; your service provider may do things somewhat differently.

CAD 37.50
Total due CAD 37.50

Payment information

Payment will be by Prepaid Voucher. We will provide instructions after you complete your purchase.

All transactions are secured using 256-bit encryption.