Monthly Occupancy Report

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vw_ACRE_Stays_Family - Sample Output

Family Stays Dataset

This report requires the view vw_ACRE_Stays_Families to function. If you do not have this view installed, this report will not work for you. If you would like to obtain this view, you can purchase it now.

CAD 150

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Monthly Occupancy Report - Ottawa - Sample Output_Page_2

Monthly Occupancy Report

This report was developed for the City of Ottawa to show a list of all clients that had stayed in selected shelter(s) during a specified date range. The report lists clients, grouped by household, and displays each client's family role for that household, along with each family member's date of birth, admission date, and discharge date. 

vw_ACRE_Stays_Family - Sample Output

Family Stays Dataset

The view combines data from the Admissions module and also the Families module. The following logic is used: when the client booked in, were they in a family? And if so, did any other members of the same family book in at the same shelter at the same time? If the answer to both of these questions is a yes, then the stay is interpreted as a family stay.

CAD 150
Subtotal CAD 150
Total due CAD 150

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