- All
- Audit Boot Camp (19)
- Premium Reports (8)
- Free Reports (70)
- Front Line Staff Training (11)
- Supervisor Training (4)
- Administrator Training (6)
- Newfoundland & Labrador HIFIS Training (8)
- Data Wrangling Project (16)
- Report Development Training (9)
- Power BI Dashboards (1)
- Nova Scotia HIFIS Training (14)
- Auditing Services (4)
- THANL HIFIS Training (2)
ABC Module Usage
Audit Boot Camp
Wondering whether your staff are actually using the modules you've provided them with access to? This is the report for you.
This report shows aggregated usage patterns for users at selected Service Providers in a selected date range. It looks at data about the frequency of record creation in the Client Management modules (e.g. Admissions, Case Management, Incidents, etc.). The report displays average record creation frequency per user, broken down by Service Provider and Rights Template.
ABC Rights Templates Usage
Audit Boot Camp
It can be HARD to keep your users, service providers, and rights templates straight. Who has which template? Which users have access to what service providers? This report is designed to help you answer these questions and manage that aspect of your system.
ABC Shelter Book-In Timeliness
Audit Boot Camp
This report contains everything a community or service provider needs to conduct a data quality timeliness audit for their shelter book-ins. It measures the gap between actual book-in time and data entry time.
ABC Shelter Book-Out Timeliness
Audit Boot Camp
This report contains everything a community or service provider needs to conduct a data quality timeliness audit for their shelter book-outs. It measures the gap between actual book-out time and data entry time.
ABC Stale User Accounts
Audit Boot Camp
This report identifies stale user accounts, covering: users who haven't agreed to the EULA, users who have never logged in, users with no logins in a timeframe you specify, users with concurrent logins, infrequently used accounts, median days since most recent login, and average logins per user.
ABC SPDAT Timeliness
Audit Boot Camp
This 21+ page report helps communities to assess whether clients are being assessed on time. It measures when the SPDAT was completed for clients, relative to the milestones of: client file creation, providing explicit and CA consent, first shelter book-in, first VI-SPDAT, and first becoming homeless and chronically homeless. The report shows clients served by specific service providers within a specific date range.
ABC VI-SPDAT Timeliness
Audit Boot Camp
This 18+ page report helps communities to assess whether clients are being assessed on time. It measures when the VI-SPDAT was completed for clients, relative to the milestones of: client file creation, providing explicit consent, providing coordinated access consent, first shelter book-in, and first becoming homeless. The report shows clients served by specific service providers within a specific date range.
Shelter Dashboard
ACRE Dashboards
Are you looking for a one-stop shop to view all your shelter-related data in one place? ACRE Consulting's Shelter Dashboard for Power BI does everything you want and more!
HPP Report | 3. By-Name Lists
Ontario HPP Program
This report is intended to allow Ontario communities who receive HPP funding to use HIFIS data to report out on the By-Name List section of the HPP reporting requirements. Broadly, it reports on the aggregated inflow and outflow to and from your By-Name List (BNL) and breaks down these numbers into the priority population groups.
This is an unofficial report and is not endorsed by the Ontario MMAH.
HPP Report | 5. Emergency Shelters
Ontario HPP Program
This report is intended to allow communities in Ontario who receive HPP funding to use HIFIS data to report out on the Emergency Shelters section of the HPP reporting requirements. Broadly, it reports on emergency shelter capacity and usage, broken down into priority population groups.
This is an unofficial report and is not endorsed by the Ontario MMAH.
Diversion Specialist Training
Quick Start Training
Shelter worker? Get HIFIS training! This training covers: logging in and accessing HIFIS; adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; shelter operations; providing goods, services, and group activities; the VI-SPDAT assessment; incidents, turnaways, and service restrictions; and running reports.
Total learning time is about 4 hours.
Note that this is generic training for an average shelter worker; your shelter may do things somewhat differently.
Shelter Worker Training
Quick Start Training
Shelter worker? Get HIFIS training! This training covers: logging in and accessing HIFIS; adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; shelter operations; providing goods, services, and group activities; the VI-SPDAT assessment; incidents, turnaways, and service restrictions; and running reports.
Total learning time is about 4 hours.
Note that this is generic training for an average shelter worker; your shelter may do things somewhat differently.