Free Reports
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- Audit Boot Camp (19)
- Premium Reports (8)
- Free Reports (70)
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- Administrator Training (6)
- Newfoundland & Labrador HIFIS Training (8)
- Data Wrangling Project (16)
- Report Development Training (9)
- Power BI Dashboards (1)
- Nova Scotia HIFIS Training (14)
- Auditing Services (4)
- THANL HIFIS Training (2)
Simple Case Management List
Municipality of Chatham-Kent
A report that a case manager can create that shows all of their open and closed cases for the month . This should show number of cases opened and closed for a time period but also list the client's name for each case.
Stealth Clients
ACRE Consulting Freebie
This simple report displays a list of all clients with the Hidden state.
Turnaways Summary
Region of York
This report aggregates data for turnaways in a specified date range at specified Service Providers. It displays reason for turnaway, incoming and outgoing referrals on turnaways, and the turnaways trends, month-over-month.
VI-SPDAT Distribution Report
ACRE Consulting Freebie
This report displays the distribution of VI-SPDAT scores, grouped by type of VI-SPDAT.
Waterloo Incident Report
Region of Waterloo
This report, commissioned by the Region of Waterloo, lists all incidents for a selected client on a specific date. It is designed to provide a printable incident report, rather than aggregating data related to incidents.
Waterloo Motel Billings Report
Region of Waterloo
This report cross-references data from shelter Admissions and the Goods & Services module, based on Waterloo's practices for motel stays. Because it is fairly specific, this report is not likely to be very useful to other communities.
Waterloo My Client Dashboard
Region of Waterloo
This report shows, for a single client, their housing status, whether they have a housing plan (custom table), their recent VI-SPDAT/SPDAT data, whether they have acitve service restrictions, whether they are on any waiting lists, what programs they are actively enrolled in, and their history of service.
Winnipeg HPS Report
Homelessness Information Partnership of Winnipeg
Used for HPS reporting. Report includes: referrals; turn aways; reason for service; breakdown by age, gender, veteran, immigration; episodic and chronic calculations; and length of stay.
York Auditing Report
Region of York
- A summary of the user’s rights templates and what Service Providers they have access to
- A list of all the user’s activities in a specified time period
- A summary of the modules the user accessed, and how many times
- A summary of the clients the user accessed, and how frequently
- A summary of the user’s activities over time, per weekday, and per hour
Local Look-Up Table Configuration
ACRE Consulting Freebies
This report shows a list of active values in all look-up tables, with the option to show or hide custom values.