
Free Reports

ACRE Consulting Freebie

CAD 0.00

This report was created by ACRE Consulting to help communities understand the scope of their homeless population, in real time. This report measures the following three indicators:how many clients have active and valid consenthow many clients are actively receiving serviceshow many clients are known to be homeless A combination of these three measures can be used to determine how many people are known to be active...

ACRE Consulting Freebie

CAD 0.00

 This simple report displays a list of all clients with active Declined - Anonymous consent, at selected Service Providers. 

Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness

CAD 0.00

This report is designed to help communities with their Action-Oriented Case Conferencing by dividing their actively homeless clients into three buckets: Assess, Match, and Navigate. For each bucket, clients are listed, along with the date they were added to the bucket and how long they've been in the bucket.

Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness

CAD 0.00

This newly updated HIFIS Health Check pulls data from HIFIS along 6 metrics:

  1. Cluster integration
  2. Consent
  3. Potential duplicates
  4. Unknown housing status
  5. User logins
  6. Inactive clients receiving services

Together, these metrics should serve to provide a high-level overview of how well your HIFIS data is able to support your Coordinated Access system and meet Reaching Home directives.

Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness

CAD 0.00

These reports are designed to help communities report on and analyze the monthly changes in their homeless population. There are three versions available: chronic, veteran, and all homeless. These reports display active, aged in, newly identified, returned from inactive, returned from housed, moved to inactive, and moved to housed, all for a single cluster for a specified month.

City of Hamilton

CAD 0.00

This report shows a list of clients that have open case files and have had no activity within their case file(s) since a specified date at the selected Service Provider(s). Activity is defined broadly and includes adding or editing Comments, Sessions, Documents, Session Appointments, Session Comments, or editing the Case file itself.

Municipality of Chatham-Kent

CAD 0.00

For the municipality’s CHPI reporting needs, they requested a report that will show: The number of Goals that were closed successfully versus unsuccessfully and what the goals were; How many of these goals had a Session created and what type of Session was it; Organized by case manager as well as Service Provider.

District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board

CAD 0.00
This report displays a list of all clients who are chronically homeless at the time that the report is generated, along with their total length of time homeless in the past year, and their current housing situation. Clients who are newly chronically homeless (became chronically homeless in the past year) are highlighted in yellow. Note that this report only uses shelter Stays to determine chronicity, in contrast to the Region of York report which also includes Housing History.

Region of York

CAD 0.00

This report displays a list of all clients who are chronically homeless at the time that the report is generated, along with their total length of time homeless in the past year, and their current housing situation. Clients who are newly chronically homeless (became chronically homeless in the past year) are highlighted in yellow. Note that this report hard-codes a definition of homelessness; only particular housing types are included and it does not utilize the default rules nor does it look up a housing continuum.

Region of Durham

CAD 0.00

This report displays all clients who received any services from selected service providers and programs, and displays age and gender, geographic region, household information, contributing factors, and income data.

Region of Waterloo

CAD 0.00

This report lists all clients currently booked in to selected Service Providers, and, for each client, lists their current stay duration, their total number of accumulated bed nights since a specified date, and the number of shelter book-ins since the specified date. 

Municipality of Chatham-Kent

CAD 0.00

This report displays all clients who received any services from selected service providers and programs, and displays age and gender, geographic region, household information, contributing factors, and income data.