There are, at the time of writing, 115 look-up tables in HIFIS that you can customize. For a new HIFIS community, this can be overwhelming!
I've seen s…
One of the new features of HIFIS 4.0.59 is an automated client inactivity function. This makes use of a pre-existing field called Client State/Status,…
As previously discussed, client privacy is a key concern for communities using HIFIS 4. One of the approaches to protect client privacy is to restrict…
Client privacy is a primary concern for a number of communities who are considering using HIFIS 4.
It can be quite a challenge to understand the legal …
One of the privacy issues in HIFIS 4 has been reporting. You could set up your user rights templates to be as limited as you wanted, but when it came …
In HIFIS 3, the strength of users' passwords didn't matter as much, because a user had to be at the physical computer in order to login, which meant t…