Hi, I'm Ali Ryder

I help communities with the Homeless Individuals and Families Information System (HIFIS 4).

Looking for assistance?

Thank you, Ali, for existing!

Tracy Verhoeve, Region of Waterloo

Launching HIFIS

The road to implementing HIFIS 4 can be rocky, but we've helped dozens of communities launch successfully. We now offer a HIFIS 4 Implementation Masterclass designed to help communities quickly and efficiently move from planning to implementation and beyond.

Want a faster option? We have Quick Start HIFIS Guides that show you how to quickly get set up and using HIFIS in a matter of days.


Overwhelmed with training all your HIFIS 4 users? We can deliver training custom-designed for your community, service provider, and program, delivered live or through e-Learning.

Hiring a new HIFIS lead? We can bring them up to speed so that they're an expert in no time.

Ali ACTUALLY knows all the answers!

Chris Gorman, Saint John Human Development Council


Do you have lots of data in HIFIS 4 but can't do anything useful with it?

We have lots of free and premium reports available and are happy to build you custom reports to meet your community's needs.

Want to develop your own reports? Inquire about report writing training and our Data Wrangling Project.

Auditing + Data Review

Using HIFIS, but not sure if you're doing it well? We can assist you with your data quality and overall HIFIS use.

A great place to start is our free HIFIS Health Check, supported by the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness, or the  Audit Boot Camp!

Ali is a HIFIS Goddess!

Valerie Watson, County of Simcoe


Let ACRE Consulting help reduce your headaches by harnessing all the benefits of our fully-managed HIFIS 4 hosting. We have options available for communities of all sizes with additional features you can choose from to solve all your local hosting needs including multi-factor authentication, an integrated support widget and helpdesk, and comprehensive training packages.


Are you drowning in HIFIS? Whatever your needs, we can support you. Whether it's providing help desk support to your front line staff, guidance on how to configure your programs, or any other needs that crop up from time to time.

"You're the most help I've gotten
[about HIFIS] since the dawn of time!"

Cole Kaiswatum, YMCA Regina